Fire-extinguishing tanker АЦ-40 (53228)-264


 Fire-extinguishing tanker АЦ-40 (53228)-264 is intended for delivering the fire-prevention crew and facilities to place of the fire and serves for extinguishing the fire with water and air-mechanical foam. It is used as an independent combat unit at extinguishing the fire, liquidation damage and consequences of natural disasters.

 Base carriage                                                                                                        KАМАЗ 53228/6х6

-engine                                                                                                                                   diesel         

 Power ( maximum),kilowatt (h.p)                                                                                       161  (220)


With full loading, km/ h                                                                                                                90

-cabin                                                                                                                                      1+6

Fire-prevention facilities 

-water, not less, m3(l)                                                                                                       8,0 (8000)

-foam agent, not less, m3(l)                                                                                                  0,5 (500)

Type of water filling system                                                                          automatic vacuum system

The most geometric height of suction, m                                                                                       7,5

Length of pressure hoses, m                                                                                               420 (±20)

Pump                                                                                                                       НЦП-40/100Р-Р,

-pump capacity, l/s                                                                                                                       40

-pressure of pump, m                                                                                                                 100

Monitor                                                                                                      ЛСД-С20У(stationary with                   

                                                                                                                               remote control) 

Range of feed of monitor stream:

-water, m                                                                                                                                   50

-foam, m                                                                                                                                    45

Quantity of hand barrels                                                                                                                6

Overall dimensions, not more, mm :

-length: width: height                                                                                             9300:2500:34500

Mass of vehicle (with full loading ),kg                                                                                        22700